September brought a lot of green love to VIEw from the top in joint collaboration with SUSU Organic. An eclectic exhibition, fashion show and market celebrated eco friendly business and design.
SUSU Organic and VIEw from the Top hosted the exciting 'Green and Organic' opening on 12th September 6-9pm. To mark the opening of this eclectic exhibition, a fashion show helped to promote some upcoming ethical designers. Special guest Penney Poyzer from BBC's "No Waste Like Home" gave us some extra green love, and wines naturally donated organic wine for tasting, ensuring the evening went with a swing.
The exhibition was received well, combining elements of advice about energy saving, the benefits of organic materials, the energy and beauty of recycling using amongst other things - lager bottles! The success of the exhibition could be seen in the disappearance of juicy cherry tomatoes on offer, and the vibrancy of the exhibits as commented by visitors.
View from the top to hosted the eclectic market, which offered advice, education, a chance to buy some lovely recycled jewellery and clothing and even the opportunity to have a massage!
View from the top looks forward to seeing green in future and would like to give a big green loving thank you to everyone involved, especially Mark and Munazzah, new members of the View from the top team!