Monday, June 23, 2008

Art Aid 17th - 21st June

Christian Aid work with partners around the world, supporting both long terms projects and emergency response work. CCDB, in Bangladesh, are one of Christian Aid’s partners that could be funded through your generosity. CCDB assist communities in building platforms to provide shelter in emergencies, and provide loans to families, who have been displaced by flooding and natural disasters, to rebuild their livelihoods.

In June 2008 Christian Aid held a high-profile exhibition and auction of work by artists from around the East Midlands to raise money for Christian Aid partners in Africa, Latin America and Asia, working to combat the effects of climate change.

70% of the price raised at auction went directly to supporting such climate change mitigation work; the remaining 30% of the sale price of each piece was paid to the artist.

You can find out more on their website - the auction was hosted by Graham Penney & raised well over £2,000 for charity! It was a fantastic result and a lovely event!